stellantis organigramme

He started as a civil servant in the French Ministry of Industry in 1984, and was appointed advisor to the Prime Minister for Industry and Environment in 1990. Il est nommé pour 4 ans par le CS et comprend 4 membres, dont un Président. Samir Cherfan graduated in engineering from Polytech Sorbonne, Paris, France. He completed his Master Degree in Quality Management at ENSAM Paris. Harald Wester was appointed Chief Engineering Officer and a member of Stellantis’ Top Executive Team in January 2021. Le cours de l'action STELLANTIS STLA en temps réel sur Boursorama : historique de la cotation sur Euronext Paris, graphique, actualités, consensus des analystes et informations boursières Kuniskis joined the former Chrysler Corporation in 1992 and held a series of positions of increasing responsibility in the Company’s business center operations and marketing organization. Thierry Koskas graduated in Engineering from Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole des Mines de Paris. He was subsequently appointed Vice President in charge of Quality in the DPCA new PSA-DFM joint venture in Wuhan, China in 2003. Stellantis : les actionnaires du Groupe PSA et de FCA valident la fusion. Auto1, Cazoo, AramisAuto… Qui sont les nouveaux princes de la voiture d'occasion . Quelques semaines plus tard, il était davantage question de négociations entre Renault et FCA. In this role, he developed aftersales and parts operations worldwide and started new businesses like parts online multi-brand conquest or circular economy. These have included R&D, manufacturing and support functions. Before joining Fiat in 2005, François worked in positions of increasing responsibility at Citroën. She was managing the 5 brands development. He moved on to become Planning Executive Vice President in 2018, in charge of Corporate Planning (company strategic planning and Business Development), Global Product Planning, Vehicle Programs management and Corporate CO2 management. Arnaud Deboeuf is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) and Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (Paris). Stellantis, le nouveau groupe issu de la fusion de Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) et de PSA serait en pourparlers avec le chinois Chery et le Guangzhou Automobile Group, … Philippe de Rovira was appointed Chief Affiliates Officer for Sales Finance, Used Cars, Parts and Service and Retail Network and a member of Stellantis’ Top Executive Team in January 2021. Mele holds a degree in engineering from Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy). Citroën sous Opel, ça fait pleurer, surtout quand on connaissait la place de Citroën en Europe dans les années folles ! De 2012 à 2015, Wan Ling Martello a été directrice financière de Nestlé et de 2011 à 2012, elle a été vice-présidente exécutive de Nestlé. Nos commerciaux ont donc pour … In 2012, he joined Nissan Group in the Middle East, as Sales and Marketing Director before being appointed Managing Director one year later. Au début de sa carrière, Kevin Scott a supervisé l'ingénierie des publicités mobiles chez Google, y compris l'intégration de l'acquisition d'AdMob par Google. He was named Global Head of Alfa Romeo in February 2018 and Head of Passenger Cars, North America in June 2019. He joined Groupe PSA in 2019 as Senior Vice President for Industrial Strategy. Par ailleurs, le constructeur italien et PSA Peugeot Citroën viennent de dévoiler … PSA Peugeot Citroën. Il est nommé pour 4 ans par l'Assemblée Générale des actionnaires, Recevez les dernières actualités du Groupe en vous abonnant, Membre du Directoire / Directeur Région Europe, Directeur des Programmes et de la Stratégie, Directeur de la marque Opel Automobile GmbH, Chief Executive Officer de la marque Peugeot, Directeur Région Afrique et Moyen-Orient, Directeur Région Inde - Asie - Pacifique, Directrice du Département Achats et Qualité Fournisseurs, Directeur Industriel et Chaîne Logistique, Directeur des Ressources Humaines et de la Transformation, Secrétaire Général, Directeur Région Chine, Directeur Qualité et Satisfaction Client, Vice-Président, Membre référent, Président du Comité des Nominations, des Rémunérations et de la Gouvernance, Membre - Président du Comité Asia Business Development, Senior Vice-Président, Directeur Ventes & Marketing, Free2Move : un service d’autopartage accessible à tous, Story 7 tendances qui vont façonner notre avenir. Uwe Hochgeschurtz can look back on more than 30 years of experience in the automotive industry. In 2017, Napolitano was appointed Head of Fiat & Abarth brands for FCA’s EMEA region, having served as the Head of the Fiat brand in EMEA from 2015. Stellantis est issu du latin stello qui signifie briller d'étoiles[2]. He serves on the board of McLaren Oakland in Pontiac, Michigan. This included beginning of 2014 the project of transfer to DPCA of PSA ASEAN operations. Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire - 8 Mars 2021, Assemblée Générale Annuelle - 15 Avril 2021. He was appointed Head of Fiat brand and Chief Marketing Officer and named a member of the FCA Group Executive Council in September 2011. Three years later, he moved to Renault, where he worked in sales, marketing and product planning before being appointed CEO of Renault Germany, Austria and Switzerland in June 2016. He has significant experience in commercial and operations management as well as global brand management. Auparavant, il a été membre du conseil d'administration de la Lega Serie A et membre du conseil d'administration de la Fondazione per la mutualità generale negli sport professionistici. He has built his entire career path within the field of HR and has alternated between the Head office and operations activities within different sites and divisions. Organigramme ISAE-ENSMA 2021. Les salariés ont pu découvrir en vidéo ce mercredi le nouvel atelier de montage en cours d'équipement. He has broad experience in sales, marketing, brand management and business operations. Les actionnaires recevront à partir du 15 mars 54.297.006 actions ordinaires Faurecia S.A. PASCAL ROSSIGNOL / REUTERS. Cela fait référence à l'alignement [sic] et à l'union de quatorze marques automobiles au travers de la fusion des groupes FCA et PSA[3],[4]. Nicolas Morel graduated from the “Ecole Centrale Paris” Engineering school in France. The year 2006 saw him named as Director of Supplier Quality in the Global Purchasing Department of Groupe PSA. L'organigramme de Stellantis Europe contient ses 76 principaux dirigeants dont Maxime Picat, Riccardo Gini et Andrew Higgins Créé en juillet 2014, le pôle industriel Trémery-Metz regroupe le site de Trémery, spécialisé dans la fabrication de moteurs et le site de Metz, dédié à la fabrication de boîtes de vitesses manuelles à cinq ou six rapports. Xavier Duchemin was acting as Managing Director for Citroën Austria between 2003 and 2005, and for Citroën UK between 2005 and 2008. Le logo vient d'être dévoilé. He joined Groupe PSA in 1990 and held marketing positions for the Citroën brand in France. In addition, he received the exceptional distinction: ‘Man of the Year’ awarded by the Journal de l’Automobile (French Automobile Magazine) in 2008. From 2014 to 2015, he held the position of Director of Human Resources Development, Talents and Top Management. S'appuyant sur son expérience industrielle, elle a développé une activité d’investissement dans des actifs diversifiés, composés de participations directes minoritaires, de véhicules de capital-investissement, de co-investissements et … 4 - Pourquoi Pfizer et BioNTech ont différé leurs livraisons de vaccin en Europe In this role, he became the guardian of differentiation in brand styling and guaranteed coherence between the various brand design identities and strategies. He has a background in upstream development activities: Process Engineering, Manufacturing, Program development and Purchasing, built in France and in South Korea. He joined Groupe PSA in 1998 and has a broad industrial experience; after various jobs in manufacturing in Mulhouse, he became manufacturing manager at the Group’s Sochaux plant before being appointed as managing Director for the manufacturing facility of Wuhan, China, in 2007. Les rôles de John Elkann, héritier de la famille fondatrice Agnelli, et de Carlos Tavares dans le futur organigramme du groupe avaient déjà été annoncés. Ann Frances Godbehere a également occupé plusieurs postes de directeur non exécutif à Prudential plc, British American Tobacco plc, UBS AG et UBS Group AG. Samir Cherfan was appointed Chief Operating Officer for Middle East & Africa and a member of Stellantis’ Top Executive Team in January 2021. Carelli joined Fiat Group in 1996 as a Product Marketing Specialist for FGA Capital in Spain. In 2007, he joined Alstom Transport Division as international communications Vice President based in France, before moving to Alstom Group Headquarter working with the CEO. Carlos Tavares est également directeur d’Airbus Holding S.A. et membre du conseil d’administration de l’Association Européenne des Constructeurs d’Automobiles (ACEA). Deputy Chief Engineering Officer (Cross Car Line and Project Engineering). Koval joined the company in 2002 and has held a variety of positions of increasing responsibility in sales, brand and purchasing which included being named Head of Ram Brand Operations in 2016, where he handled vehicle and media mix optimization and pricing strategies. Xavier Duchemin launched DS in 2009. Jean-Pierre Ploué was top of his graduation class for the Master’s degree at the ENSAAMA School of Fine Arts and Design in Paris, France in 1985. C’est moi qui suis en charge du B2B pour l’ensemble des marques. En outre, Jacques de Saint-Exupéry est impliqué dans les activités syndicales depuis 2008, notamment en tant que secrétaire du Comité d’Entreprise de Groupe PSA. Michelle Wen was appointed Chief Purchasing and Supply Chain Officer and a member of Stellantis’ Top Management Team in January 2021. He was named Global Head of Quality and a member of the FCA Group Executive Council in October 2018. Organigramme. In 2002, he joined Purchasing to take responsibility at Renault Samsung Motors (South Korea). In 2009, he was appointed Senior Vice President, Industrial and R&D Division Human Resources. Chez AdMob, Kevin Scott était responsable de l’ingénierie et des opérations de la principale plateforme mondiale de monétisation mobile. He led Corporate and Regional entities. Sept diplômés sont venus raconter leurs parcours depuis leur sortie d'école. L'usine PSA de Vesoul est constituée de bâtiments datant de diverses époques. She can look back on a diverse career and has held a number of senior managing positions with blue-chip companies across various industries including the automotive business. He served as Chairman and Global President for Infiniti Motor Co. Ltd., the luxury vehicle division of Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. Meunier was named Global President of Jeep Brand and appointed to the FCA Group Executive Council in May 2019. Présente une histoire du camion des origines à aujourd'hui, ses évolutions en matière de design ou d'innovations techniques. Stellantis est en ordre de marche et vient de livrer son organigramme complet. In 2014, he became EVP and member of Groupe PSA’s Global Executive Committee in charge of Corporate Planning, Programs and Strategy. The org chart of Stellantis contains its 545 main executives including Carlos Tavares, Richard Palmer, Vincent Cobee and Michael Keegan. Il est Président du Conseil d’administration de FFP et était auparavant le représentant permanent de FFP au sein du Conseil de surveillance de Groupe PSA, membre du Comité des finances et de la vérification et Président du Comité stratégique. In 2015, he was appointed Executive Vice President of Human Resources of the Group and member of the Global Executive Committee. À partir de 2011, il a travaillé au sein de l'équipe de contrôle de gestion, couvrant les activités du département des finances et de la trésorerie ainsi que du département de la communication financière.Â. After a Bachelor’s degree in Economic Management, Xavier Chéreau completed his Master’s degree in Human Resources (Employment Management & Corporate Social Development) at the ‘Institut Sciences Politiques de Paris’, France. Gouvernement d’entreprise 2.1 Mandats et fonctions des mandataires sociaux 65 2.2 Composition du Conseil d’administration … In this position, he contributed to Groupe PSA’s turnaround plan, including brand differentiation strategy, and created the Connected Vehicle Business Unit which he held responsibility for until the creation of the Free2Move brand in 2016.

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